Happy Spring Break! Our students are off Monday, March 10th through Friday the 14th!

Reminder! Students will not have school on Monday, February 17th in observance of President's Day.

The next Senior All-Night Party parent planning meeting is Wednesday, January 29th at 6:30 pm in the MHS Media Center. All are welcome to attend!

Finals Week is here! It's time to finish strong, Zephyrs! Stay focused, take breaks, and remember--you've got this!

Reminder! Friday, January 24th is Teacher Professional Day. Students will not have school that day.

Students do not have school on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

The Snowcoming Formal is back! Mahtomedi High School Student Leadership Council will be hosting an all-school winter formal on Saturday, February 1st. Watch your emails for more information and the link to buy tickets!

Join us at the annual Mahtomedi Outdoor Skate Party on January 26th noon-3pm! Bring your family, friends, and neighbors to celebrate winter with a bonfire, hot beverages, and food. The festivities will occur at the community rink and warming house north of the District Education Center. Hope to see you there!

Drop-in tutoring is available for Mahtomedi Middle or High School students after school on Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday at the MHS Media Center! Students with experience in math and rigorous coursework are available to support.

There is still time to register for the Inaugural Zephyr Open Super Total Lifting Meet on January 18th, 9 am - 1 pm! Register here: https://mahtomedi.ce.eleyo.com/course/1837/2025-winter-spring%E2%80%942/zephyr-open-super-total-lifting-meet-grades-9-12

Buy your yearbook today! Preserve your high schooler's memories with a yearbook, now available for just $75. Purchase at the following link: https://yearbookforever.com/

Mahtomedi families and staff are invited to share feedback on a questionnaire regarding fundraising to support our school facilities. Share here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MahtomediSchoolDistrict

Happy Winter Break! We will see our students back at school on Thursday, January 2nd!

Please join us at Nautical Bowls (4717 Highway 61 N, White Bear Lake, MN) 3-7pm on Thursday, December 19th! Mention Mahtomedi Senior All Night Party for a percentage of the proceeds to go to the class of 2025!

The next Senior All-Night Party parent planning meeting is Thursday, December 19th from 6:30-8:00pm in the MHS Media Center. All are welcome to attend!

Support MHS Student Council Leadership! Eat at the White Bear Avenue Culver's on Tuesday, December 17th 5-7pm, and 10% of all sales will be donated to Mahtomedi Student Leadership Council.

Sunday, December 15th: last day to register for Ski & Snowboard Club (grades 6-9) and Nordic Ski Club (grades 6-12)! Visit here to register: https://mahtomedi.ce.eleyo.com/search?redirected_yet=true&sf[category]=77

Reminder! Students have no school Wednesday, November 27th through Monday, December 2nd (Monday is a Teacher Professional Day). Happy Thanksgiving!

Last week to donate gift cards for young adults for the Zephyr Service Project! Gift cards can be sent to Mahtomedi High School and dropped off at the front office.

Interested in Nordic Ski Club? Learn more at the November 21st parent meeting in the MMS media center at 6:30pm. Open to students grades 6-12!