Transportation Services Mission
Our mission is the safe and efficient transportation of students to and from school. We strive to create conditions that contribute to the success of students by providing a comfortable, reliable, and safe service that responds to the ever-changing needs of the Mahtomedi Independent School District diverse student population.
In order to give needed attention to the ever-changing traffic situations, it is vital that drivers get full cooperation from their passengers and that all students obey the bus rules. Please help promote safety and good ridership by reviewing bus safety rules with your children along with familiarizing yourself with other resources and information on this website.
By working together we can safeguard your child from potential hazards associated with all aspects of transportation, both on and off the bus. I hope you and your child have a productive and safe year.
Colleen Smith, Transportation Router &
Arlen Hviding, Transportation Supervisor

Bus Forms
District Transportation Request Form (Grades K-12)
Resident Families
It is assumed that all students grades K-9, will ride the bus BOTH ways to and from the stop closest to their home. If this is true for your child, there is NO need to fill out the form. If this is not true, please fill out the form.
Use this form if you are requesting transportation service for your High School 10 - 12 grade child
Use this form to request bus service for all St. Jude students who reside within District 832's boundary.
Use this form if the following applies:
Your child will be picked up at a Day Care/Alternate Address
Your K - 9th grade child will only ride one way
You are declining transportation services for your K - 9th grade child
Non-Resident (Open) Enrolled Families
If you live outside the ISD 832 boundary but plan to make use of district transportation services by transporting your child to an established in-district bus stop or in-district daycare, please fill out this form and return it to us. These students may only access existing stops within or near the District's boundaries. Bus routes and stops will not be created out of the district lines.
Students who are utilizing bus stops outside, but near the district boundary, that have been approved by the Transportation Department will be charged a fee for service. The fee is a flat rate for all students and does not change because of the number of days transported or for one-way riders. Please use the form and submit your payment online via the E-store or by check (payable to ISD 832). The check should be sent to the District Education Center, 1520 Mahtomedi Av, Mahtomedi, MN 55115. When payment is received, your child will be routed on a bus. If you are unsure whether your stop will be charged a fee for service, or you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact transportation at 651-407-2431. Payment is accepted each school year starting July 1 and needs to be made by August 1.
Directions on how to pay via E-store:
Under Categories, choose a school.
Click on Out of District Transportation Fee
Enter the Price ($350 for one student; $700 for a family of two or more students)
Enter the name of your students (you can enter all of your students here, even if they attend one of the other schools)
Click the Add to Basket button
If you are a returning user, sign in and click the Login button. If you are a new user, click the Create Account button and follow the prompts to create an account. You will need your child's ID number.
Follow the remaining prompts to finish the purchase
School Bus Emergency Health Information Card
If your student has a health concern you wish to share with the bus driver, please complete this form below. This form is NOT required for students to ride the bus, but optional for those wishing to make the driver aware of any health concerns in the event of an emergency.
Bus Stop Change Request Form
If, after reading the information on Bus Stop Procedures and Criteria, you would like to request a bus stop change, please fill out the Bus Stop Change Request Form below. Please include any information about unique or unusual circumstances regarding your child's bus stop. We will review the stop change request and contact you as soon as possible.
Please note bus drivers are not allowed to make any changes to a bus stop without prior approval from the Transportation Office. No changes will be made from August 15th through September 15th except to accommodate new students moving into the district or those making daycare changes. This will allow drivers to practice routes and allow the district to notify families of bus stop locations and times.